About Us

Your Guide to Transformation and Growth


About Me

Who is the founder of Conscious Coach LLC?

Family woman Shanique, is a life coach, author, and meditation facilitator. She specializes in healing, meditation, mindset, manifesting, dating, toxic relationships, emotional / sexual trauma, natural birthing, femininity & confidence.
Through her practice, she has helped others to:
"You are worthy of peace, love & success"

From Trauma to Triumph, Guiding You to Your Best Life

Shanique is a qualified coach and the proud founder of Conscious Coach LLC. She has a Masters in Health Law from Nova Southeastern University and a Bachelors in Interdisciplinary Studies of film, production and theatre. She also owns various investment companies.

Shanique has gone through a spiritual journey to heal & integrate her traumatic and sabotaging past riddled with insecurity, depression and questionable actions. It has helped her to be sensitive to the emotional & wellness needs of others thus facilitating their effective transformation from trauma to triumph.

With a variety of personal goals achieved such as pageantry, modeling gigs, natural unmedicated births, successful marriage, WAHM life and event hosting under her crown, Shanique is the shining example of conquering your personal fears, traumas and setbacks to find inner peace, self actualize, build confidence and lead your most abundant life!

The Story of Shanique Irons: Triumph Over Self-Sabotage Through Faith

Shanique Irons was a woman who seemed to have it all together on the outside but felt a constant battle raging within. A deep thinker with big dreams, she often found herself stuck in cycles of procrastination, self-doubt, and stress. Every time she tried to move forward, something held her back—until she realized that “something” was herself.

From a young age, Shanique knew of God. She grew up hearing about His love and grace and occasionally attended church. But her relationship with Him was distant—more intellectual than intimate. She believed in God but didn’t walk with Him. Instead, she relied on her own strength, striving to meet everyone’s expectations while pushing her own needs aside.

As she entered adulthood, the weight of trying to please everyone and live up to her own high standards became unbearable. She was burnt out, disconnected, and deeply unsatisfied with the quality of her life. Despite her achievements, Shanique felt like something was missing.

One night, after another day of feeling stuck and frustrated, Shanique found herself crying out in prayer—not the polite prayers she was used to but a raw, heartfelt plea for guidance. For the first time in years, she opened her Bible and began to read, feeling an unexpected sense of comfort and conviction. In that quiet moment, she realized she had been trying to do life on her own terms, ignoring the peace and direction that could only come from truly walking with God.

As she deepened her relationship with Jesus, everything began to shift. She discovered the truth of God’s promises—that her worth was not tied to her achievements but to His unconditional love. Shanique realized that her self-sabotage was rooted in fear and a lack of trust in God’s plan for her life. She began to surrender her anxieties to Him, finding clarity in His Word and strength through prayer. Her faith became the foundation for her transformation.

With Jesus at the center, Shanique learned to set boundaries, let go of perfectionism, and take bold, faith-filled steps toward her goals. She began to see herself as God saw her—worthy, capable, and loved. Her confidence grew as she trusted in His timing and provision, and her stress melted away as she leaned on His peace.

Today, Shanique lives a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment. Her walk with Jesus is no longer an afterthought; it’s her guiding light. Through her journey of overcoming self-sabotage and embracing her faith, Shanique found not just satisfaction but true freedom. She now shares her story with others, showing them that with God, transformation is not only possible—it’s promised.

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